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HA 7







Subject Matter:


Schools and Other Institutions



Continued research has brought further confirmation that the present Chaplain's house, No. 4 Rua da Estrella, Lisbon, adjoining the British Protestant Cemetery, was formerly part of the British Hospital erected by the generosity of Mr. Gerard de Visme, a British merchant, and a member of the British Factory. This is shown by correspondence which has recently come to light and which took place between the Dutch Consul Guildemeester and British Consul Brackenbury in 1875. Just previously the British government had declared its intention of ceasing to be responsible for any part of the upkeep of St. George's Church and Cemetery, handing over the entire property, with all its financial responsibilities, to the Lisbon British protestant community. Hence the desire of the then British consul to clear up the legal position as between the British and Dutch ownership of their parts of the cemetery ground.

In his letter dated 19th March 1875, the Dutch Consul Guildemeester says: "Sur l´emplacement de ces deux maisonettes» (cemetery ground facing Rua da Estrella)"  la factorie Britanique a construit son hôpital, et par missive du 30 janvier 1791, le "Chevalier Hort, représentant de la factorie a demandé á la factorie Hollandaise, la «permission d'empiéter sur son l article terrain près de l´entrée pour agrandir ledit hôspital qui dès lors se trouve construit en partie sur le terrain Hollandais, et fut plus tard converti en  «habitation pour le pasteur de la chapelle Britanique".


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